Thursday, August 7, 2008

messed up

I still gave the wrong blogspot. It is http//
please write me. I don't know what I have done but nothing is coming through. Unless everyone got tired of me,boo hoo!call a wambelance.

My husband and I had another adventure today. We took the trailer into town with scrap metal. I had to go to wall mart and while I was coming out my husband drove by and scraped the bumper of a car. He said that he didn't even know it. Do you think it is time to put away the keys? To make a long story short, he left a note on the guys car. The guy called, and because my husband has SELECTIVE HEARING, I had to take care of it. Giving Him our insurance etc. Any way I wasn't a very happy camper. Except when I think back I have had a few accidents myself, so I can't be to upset. He has always stood behind me with my car excapades.

I also can't be to upset because he felt bad enough. And being 76, he does not want to admit that he doesn't drive as good as he use to. So I will just bite my lip and shut my eyes when he's driving. As I have said before He loves looking at everything while he is driving and yesterday he went off the road twice. It is very scarry. He says that its no big deal, He hasn't killed anyone yet. He said I have it under control. I think I will offer to drive more. But then He will be scared to death. So I guess we can't win. If we are on the road I will let you know so that you can take a different route.
Keep smiling

Monday, August 4, 2008

I held an angel today

I held an angel today.
A beautiful little baby girl in white.
She was sleeping so sweetly.
She had so much love radiating from her little body.

He mother smiled at her.
With her beautiful blue eyes dancing, and she smiled back, the purest ,sweetest smile I have ever seen.

She had on a beautiful little white dress and a sweet little white head band with satin flowers placed on her precious reddish brown hair.
She was taken up to a circle of great men ,to be named by her Grandfather. There was such a peaceful, sweet spirit there, as she was given the name Quinlynn Rose. She laid quietly in the arms of her Grandfather, while he gave her a beautiful blessing. Our hearts were full and overflowing with thankfulness for this sweet baby that has come into our lives..

All of our wonderful grandchildren are such a blessing. As the years go by and we watch them grow into manhood and Womanhood. We are so thankful to have the opportunity to be a part of this family. Thank you Children for the beautiful grandchildren and great Grand children. We love you all

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Yesterday Ice cream finally got to me. I had gone to town and hadn't eaten anything all morning, As a matter of fact even the night before (because of heartburn.)
After I had done my grocery shopping, my tummy started to rumble. I knew just what to do. I would have my favorite nutrition. ICE CREAM. I decided ,I would have a double treat, a rootbeer float. I had always had a small one, but today I deserved a large one.It was heavenly , until I started for home, 30 miles away. My stomach started to rumble and the pain was excruciating. I made it home ask my husband to put the meat away. And stayed in the bathroom for almost an hour. I lost it all. I have never been so sick in my life. I decided that I never wanted to see a rootbeer float ever again. I didn't tell my husband for awhile, I wanted him to think it was a bug. (but I knew better)

Today some friends came over to celebrate their sons birthday, bringing an Ice cream cake. And they gave me a great big piece. I wondered if I should have some, but I didn't want to be rude. So far I am ok. But it will be a while before I have icecream or rootbeer again.

This morning I went to put a dress on to go to church. And I still had bulges, So I put on a girdle. It looked great until I sat down. Then it creaped down over the fat and just gave me a bigger bulge above it. I tryed to find a saftey pin so I could tack it to my bra but could only find a straight pin. It was very uncomfortable. I was finally ready to go to church. It stayed in place but the pin kept sticking me. Between trying to keep me from being pricked and pulling up on the girdle, I was trying to do it on the sly. I'm sure if anyone was looking close at me they must have thought I was on acid or something. Anyway I won't do that again. That girdle is going in the trash. I guess I need a full body one if I try it again. I guess the best thing is to start walking and laying off the icecream.

keep smiling.
Somehow I have been giving the wrong blog spot . It is more than It is There happens to be another grandmas zoo besides me.
please write me.