Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Hi, queen bee wanted another story so thinking back, here it is.

Some 45 years ago, in my youth, a friend and I was invited to go out with two good looking guys, that a mutual friend set us up with. They were going water skiing.
We were to be ready at 2:00, I had to get a swim suit.because I didn't have one. I only went swimming once in a great while, and my suit was out of date. I was in a hurry to buy the suit and get back home before 2:00. I found a darling one piece. Being flat busted, it was perfect because it had built in inserts.

I thought my date was gorgeous. We were having a wonderful time riding in the boat and watching the boys water ski. Then, they said "it's your turn."

We both got into the water and onto the skies. I came up out of the water and so did two the inserts. They were not tacked in. They were floating right by my face. I could have died, The boys were laughing so hard. And trying to help me in the boat. I kept resisting, crying just let me drown. But of course they didn't. I wasn't red just because of a sunburn.

As you can guess the rest of the evening was horrible. I just wanted to go home and eat ice cream. I never saw that young man ever again. But I still have nightmares about it. So my advice to any of you who need a new suit, if it needs extra support, be sure to sew it in yourself. or else just go flat.

I look back on the things I have done and I can't believe I could be so stupid.

Like the time I was sitting with an elderly man who was critically ill. I talked to him all morning, trying to let him know that he wasn't alone. I was patting his hand and tried to be reasuring. When the nurse came in I was talking to him and still holding his hand. She said," this man is dead!" "oh, I said, I wondered why he was getting so cold. I put extra covers on him." It took me a long time to life that one down.l

But I did learn.
Keep smiling, Charlene


Queen B said...

You are hysterical. Those are great! I would have died over the bathing suit disaster!!!

Anonymous said...

bwhahaha! You are so funny! Keep writing!