Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My life

I made some wrong choices in my growing up years. I had always believed in my father in heaven and his son Jesus Christ. But for awhile I chose the wrong path. I ended out having 3 marriages.(two divorces, and one husband that died. It was extremely hard and painful going through these times, but through the help of my Father In heaven and the sacrifice that my savior did for me on the cross, I have grown stronger.

I know without a doubt that we have a Father in Heaven that loves each and everyone of us, and that his son Jesus Christ made the ultimate sacrifice of being crucified for our sins upon that cross.

There was a particular time when I felt so alone, I had gone through a bitter divorce, then married again to a man that was addicted to drugs and alcohol. We had separated, He was trying to get his life together. He came one evening to pick up my two boys to go to a movie. I was pregnant with our daughter, and I was so depressed, after having two marriages fail. I felt that I was so alone. and that no one wanted me. I felt torn and abandoned.

I fell upon my knees and ask the Lord for comfort. I said in my prayer that I felt so unloved, and to please forgive me for any wrong I had done ,and that If I could just feel his love I could get through this.

As I was on my knees praying, all of a sudden I felt the most wonderful feeling. It was as if bright sunshine was going through my whole body. From the top of my head to the bottom of my toes. I felt his love. I will never forget it.

I decided that no matter what happens to me, as long as I know that the Lord loves me I can get through it. That was a big turning point for me.

Later, I went through the death of my dear husband. It was hard but through the help of my Father in Heaven, I got through it. Being lonely, I again rushed into a marriage, Thinking that at last I had the right person. ( But the signs were there not to marry him, but I did not listen.

It ended out that He was in love with someone else. But she was marriad and he thought that by marring me he could run away from it. We were married two weeks and he told me that he was sorry that he got married. I was devistated. He then told me about the other woman. He wanted to stay married, but come and go as he wanted. He said that the marriage contract was just a piece of paper. To me it was not just a piece of paper. Marriage was between me, my partner and God.
So after about a year of him coming and going I finally got the courage ot get out .

It was very hard for me to go back home after three failures. I was broken, but through the help of God, and my good friends at church. I did go home. This time I was determined to stay close to My Father in heaven and not get caught in the trap of loneliness. I found a good job, and tried to make my children feel secure.

It was then that the Lord opened up a way for me to find happiness. I was never going to marry again. But God had other plans. I went out a few times, but wrote myself a note as to what kind of a man I wanted to marry. If the person didn't fit that quality, I never went with him again.

To make a long story short. I met my sweetheart, fell in love and we have been married now for 38 years. We have 9 children between us. He had 3, I had 3, and then we had three of our own. He is a good man, and has the same beliefs as I do.
It wasn't always easy, but we made it. My love and respect has grown so much for him. And I am so thankful for all of our children. Grandchildren and Great grand children. My cup is full and overflowing.

So now you have heard my story. Never give up, and rely on the Lord in making decisions. He will never steer you wrong. If you are trying to do what is right you will be blessed.

Keep smiling, Charlene

Monday, July 28, 2008

without my mom

mellisa you ask how you would get along without your mom. I have another true story for you.

My mother died about 8 years ago. She had been sick with headaches most of her life. My mother and I were close. I missed her so much. a few days after she passed away, I was having a very emotional day. I couldn't stop crying , I was missing her so much. I cried momma, momma, And all of a sudden. I heard in my mind, Stop your crying daughter, I am happier now than I have been in my whole life.

I felt a great peace and assurance that this was her message to me. I still feel her at times watching over me. I know that I will someday see she and daddy again as well as my sister and brother ,and many relatives that have passed on. I hope they will be happy to see me and not be ashamed.

Now every time I think of my mom I have a sweet feeling that all is well.
And I know that families can be forever. Not just in this life.

Keep smiling, Charlene

Friday, July 25, 2008

shameful dog

My husband takes care of the city park here in bonanza. one evening I went down to help him put out some sprinkler heads. Our little dog loves to go there so we took her too.

Some people were sitting on a blanket having their dinner. My little dog went up to them. (I thought she was being friendly) But to my horror, she went right up to them, barked and then squatted down right in front of them. I was so embarrassed.
They were not amused. Then she came running to me. I didn't want to know her.

This is the same dog that got me in trouble with the policeman. (see Bang! bang!)
and you will know how much she likes to get me in hot water.

A while back my sons brought home a big turtle that they found on the highway.
They put her in our horse trough. They put a log in the trough for her to sit on when she is not swimming.

Today, Bryan cleaned out the trough, and found 13 eggs in the bottom. Now I don't know if the eggs should be in sand or can they survive in water?

Anybody know?

Have a great day. Keep smiling.

In case you have wondered why I always say keep smiling. That was the thing my dad would always tell me when we would say goodbye . Either in person, or over the telephone. And it has stuck with me. I miss my dad, He passed away about 3 years ago. And I feel like that little saying gives me a little part of him. I always think of him when I say it. If you knew my dad, he lived that motto. I never saw him angry. He was so kind and patient. When I went through some bad times He and mother opened up their hearts and home to me and my children. He was a great grandfather, along with my mother. They were always there for us. I shall be eternally greatful for them.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I saw that smile upon your face.
In my grumpiness I tried to erase.

I wanted you to feel like me.
There's nothing good in this world you see.

But you kept smiling that happy smile.
It made me comfortable after while.

It was warm and sunny, as it lit up the room.
That smile was contagious.
it chased away the gloom.

That smile ,I desperately wanted to erace.
came creeping right upon my face.

My mood was changed, I'm happy now.
all because of that great big smile.


I woke up this morning feeling grumpy and this popped into my head. so I had to get it down on paper. And I do feel better now. have a great day.


Monday, July 21, 2008

can't sleep

It's midnight and I haven't been able to fall asleep. So I decided to check my blog and do a little catch up.

My husband and I had a wonderful 3 days spending some time with our church friends at a camp out at cottonwood lake. It was so beautiful there, quiet , peaceful and a lot of fun. Our Daughter, Julie, her husband and one granddaughter was there also. and it is the first time in my life when I didn't have to do any cooking. She did it all. She and her husband barbecued try tip with mushrooms and onions. It was wonderful. another night we had hobo dinners. Hamburger , potatoes, carrots, and onions cooked together in tinfoil. We had a wonderful spiritual fireside one evening, with our friends. And the rest of the time we played cards and other games. It was a very relaxing time renewing friendships.

Today being sunday we went to church, there was such a warm wonderful feeling there. God has been so good to us. I love my family, my church, and my God.
We are so fortunate to live in this wonderful country, even with the gas prices and everything else that is going on. At least our country is free. And we are not starving. And are able to worship as we please.

God has blessed this country, As long as we treat it with respect. It is when we get prideful, selfish and uncaring and materialistic, that we have to beware. We don't need everything that the Joneses have, to be happy. When we start to think of others instead of ourselves, thats where happiness starts. The more you give of love and service, the more comes back to you. As I sat in church with my family. I felt a happiness looking at my great Grand child, her mother, and her mother, and grandpa and I . Thats four generations. What would we do without our children. I just wanted to hold that baby and cradle her with love. Also sitting next to us was a grandchild that is now a woman. Not a child anymore, who will be leaving for a mission for our church in about a month. To go to Spain. It seemed such a short time ago when she was a baby. And now she has grown up with so much wisdom.

Families are the core of this nation. We need to do everything possible to build the relationships we have with them. I look back and see some of the mistakes we as parents made in relationships with our children. and I wish I could start over. But that is not possible. But I have learned many things over the years. And I know that we can take nothing with us when we die, except the relationships of love that can continue on after this life. And I am thankful for that. Families can be forever.

A little up date for anyone wondering about the man that got stabbed at the gas station. He is getting better. All of your faith and prayers helped. Thank you. He will be in the hospital for a while yet but is able to gt up and walk around now. What a miracle.
Have a good night. I'll see if I can go back to bed and get some sleep.

Friday, July 11, 2008

you know your getting old when....

You know your getting old when cheerios are found in the wrinkles of your face.

You know you are old when your grandchild asks why you have three chins.

You know you are getting old when you have to ask your mate to cut your toe nails.

You know your getting old when your driving your car and you can't turn your head far enough to see if there is a tree behind you.

You know your getting old when someone tells you your bath water is ready.

You know your getting old when you depend on depends.

You know when your old ,when your head shakes and your not even answering a question.

You know your getting old when children say your house smells like old people.

You know your old when you have been sitting on the floor and can't get back up,
Or when you put moth balls in your dresser drawers.
You know you are really old when you decide to go sky diving ,and on the way out you cry, HELP I'M FALLING AND I CAN'T GET UP.

I know I'm getting old, and I love it.

The song I wrote


My daddy took me on his knee
and brushed away the tears.
He said,"My sweet, don't feel so sad.
I'll try to calm your fears."

Tears are made from the raindrops
Tears are made from the Sea.
Smiles are made from the Sunshine.
Courage made from a tree.

God put them together and placed them in you, child.
With all Your sweetness, and beauty,
pureness, meek and mild.

Love was made from the roses,
He nurtured with a loving hand.
The breath of life from a windstorm.
Our bodies from the finest sand.

May we ever be grateful,
May we ever be glad.
Even through trials and heartaches.
Even when life makes us sad.

Tears are made from the raindrops.
Tears are made from the Sea.
Smiles are made from the sunshine.
courage made from a tree.

A songI wrote

To Know Me

I just want to share one of my poems that I have written

To know me is to love me.
To know me is to search, ponder and pray.
To know me is to obey my Commandments.
To know me is to serve your fellowmen.
To know me is to repent from all wrong doing.
To know me is to trust me.
To know me is to teach by my example.
To know me is to pray for those Who despitefully
use you and persecute you:
And to do good to those who hate you.
To know me is to turn the other cheek and to forgive.
To know me is to feed my lambs.
To know me is to fill your hearts with love.
Don't just know about me.
Know me.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Dear Mellissa , I goofed I thought I had been reading your blog. But I guess not. But I have appreciated your comments. And Heidi informed me that she didn't meet you at the library. It was somewhere else.

I went to help my husband fix fences for his horses today. They have been put on a friends ranch. 40 miles away. It has been told that way back when, that this was an Indian trail. The last time we were up there my husband found an arrow head.
This time I thought I had really found something wonderful. I was sitting under a pine tree and kept finding little nuggets and kernels of gold color. Some were very shinny. Of course I thought I might have found some gold or other kind of Gem. My husband came over and deflated my bubble. He said it's tree sap. Looked like gold to me! I am so gullible. I didn't know that it hardend after falling off the tree.
I learned something new today.

have a great day everyone. Charlene

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Some friends of ours,The Fleetwoods , Son,wife, their youngest son and older son and his wife and 2 little ones came to visit the Fleetwoods. The grandson and his wife (the Cooks) had their baby blessed in church 2 weeks ago. They live in California. 3 days after the blessing of the baby, they were visiting the family and the grandson and family said they had to go get some gas. They pulled into the station. three gang bangers came up and started to hassel the youngest son,(Teenager) The said they didn't like the way he was looking at them. So one of them slapped him. His older brother got out of the car and ask what was the matter? They then threw him on the ground and stabbed him twice.
By the time they got him to the hospital his heart stopped. But they brought him back to life,. He is in intensive care but is still fighting for his life. Who ever reads this please pray for the cook family, and the Fleetwoods, Their grandparents.

The police have caught two of the guys but not the ring leader. It is so sad to think that they were here to have a happy family reunion and then this happened.

It has been quit a week. My brother in law called and lost his sister to cancer. She was my age. We used to play together when we were young. Then his daughter in law, my nephews wife,s mother died 2 days ago. I wish that we could have gone to the funerals but with the way gas is it wasn't possible. they live 800 miles away.

Now I should say something uplifting. How about my Bra? I need alittle humor right now. That seemed to do it. Frantically simple called me this morning and said that by coincidence she was at the library and Mellisa came up and introduced herself to her. She and her husband are in the North West for a couple of weeks or so. Heidi was thrilled. I'm happy she met you mellisa. I enjoy your blog. And thank you for reading mine.

I had a wild ride from Klamath falls today. Anytime I ride with my husband it is a wild time. He is as bad of a driver as I am. He looks off the road at everything and when he does the truck goes on the shoulder of the road. He also likes to use the cruise control. Going 65 miles on straight roads or curvey mountian roads. He never steps on the brakes. We went of the road three times. And I am not ready to die yet.
I was squeezing my little dog so much that she snapped at me, then got under his feet at the wheel. It took some coaxing to get her back. But we made it home again. I think He and I have a guardian angel watching over us when we drive.

Hope your day was great. Mine will be when I eat my bowl of IceCream.

Keep smiling , Charlene