Monday, July 28, 2008

without my mom

mellisa you ask how you would get along without your mom. I have another true story for you.

My mother died about 8 years ago. She had been sick with headaches most of her life. My mother and I were close. I missed her so much. a few days after she passed away, I was having a very emotional day. I couldn't stop crying , I was missing her so much. I cried momma, momma, And all of a sudden. I heard in my mind, Stop your crying daughter, I am happier now than I have been in my whole life.

I felt a great peace and assurance that this was her message to me. I still feel her at times watching over me. I know that I will someday see she and daddy again as well as my sister and brother ,and many relatives that have passed on. I hope they will be happy to see me and not be ashamed.

Now every time I think of my mom I have a sweet feeling that all is well.
And I know that families can be forever. Not just in this life.

Keep smiling, Charlene