I still gave the wrong blogspot. It is http//grandmaszoo.blogspot.com/
please write me. I don't know what I have done but nothing is coming through. Unless everyone got tired of me,boo hoo!call a wambelance.
My husband and I had another adventure today. We took the trailer into town with scrap metal. I had to go to wall mart and while I was coming out my husband drove by and scraped the bumper of a car. He said that he didn't even know it. Do you think it is time to put away the keys? To make a long story short, he left a note on the guys car. The guy called, and because my husband has SELECTIVE HEARING, I had to take care of it. Giving Him our insurance etc. Any way I wasn't a very happy camper. Except when I think back I have had a few accidents myself, so I can't be to upset. He has always stood behind me with my car excapades.
I also can't be to upset because he felt bad enough. And being 76, he does not want to admit that he doesn't drive as good as he use to. So I will just bite my lip and shut my eyes when he's driving. As I have said before He loves looking at everything while he is driving and yesterday he went off the road twice. It is very scarry. He says that its no big deal, He hasn't killed anyone yet. He said I have it under control. I think I will offer to drive more. But then He will be scared to death. So I guess we can't win. If we are on the road I will let you know so that you can take a different route.
Keep smiling
Thursday, August 7, 2008
messed up
Posted by charlene at 10:46 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
I held an angel today
I held an angel today.
A beautiful little baby girl in white.
She was sleeping so sweetly.
She had so much love radiating from her little body.
He mother smiled at her.
With her beautiful blue eyes dancing, and she smiled back, the purest ,sweetest smile I have ever seen.
She had on a beautiful little white dress and a sweet little white head band with satin flowers placed on her precious reddish brown hair.
She was taken up to a circle of great men ,to be named by her Grandfather. There was such a peaceful, sweet spirit there, as she was given the name Quinlynn Rose. She laid quietly in the arms of her Grandfather, while he gave her a beautiful blessing. Our hearts were full and overflowing with thankfulness for this sweet baby that has come into our lives..
All of our wonderful grandchildren are such a blessing. As the years go by and we watch them grow into manhood and Womanhood. We are so thankful to have the opportunity to be a part of this family. Thank you Children for the beautiful grandchildren and great Grand children. We love you all
Posted by charlene at 3:31 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Yesterday Ice cream finally got to me. I had gone to town and hadn't eaten anything all morning, As a matter of fact even the night before (because of heartburn.)
After I had done my grocery shopping, my tummy started to rumble. I knew just what to do. I would have my favorite nutrition. ICE CREAM. I decided ,I would have a double treat, a rootbeer float. I had always had a small one, but today I deserved a large one.It was heavenly , until I started for home, 30 miles away. My stomach started to rumble and the pain was excruciating. I made it home ask my husband to put the meat away. And stayed in the bathroom for almost an hour. I lost it all. I have never been so sick in my life. I decided that I never wanted to see a rootbeer float ever again. I didn't tell my husband for awhile, I wanted him to think it was a bug. (but I knew better)
Today some friends came over to celebrate their sons birthday, bringing an Ice cream cake. And they gave me a great big piece. I wondered if I should have some, but I didn't want to be rude. So far I am ok. But it will be a while before I have icecream or rootbeer again.
This morning I went to put a dress on to go to church. And I still had bulges, So I put on a girdle. It looked great until I sat down. Then it creaped down over the fat and just gave me a bigger bulge above it. I tryed to find a saftey pin so I could tack it to my bra but could only find a straight pin. It was very uncomfortable. I was finally ready to go to church. It stayed in place but the pin kept sticking me. Between trying to keep me from being pricked and pulling up on the girdle, I was trying to do it on the sly. I'm sure if anyone was looking close at me they must have thought I was on acid or something. Anyway I won't do that again. That girdle is going in the trash. I guess I need a full body one if I try it again. I guess the best thing is to start walking and laying off the icecream.
keep smiling.
Somehow I have been giving the wrong blog spot . It is more than grandmaszoo.com It is http.grandmaszooblogspot.com There happens to be another grandmas zoo besides me.
please write me.
Posted by charlene at 7:47 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
My life
I made some wrong choices in my growing up years. I had always believed in my father in heaven and his son Jesus Christ. But for awhile I chose the wrong path. I ended out having 3 marriages.(two divorces, and one husband that died. It was extremely hard and painful going through these times, but through the help of my Father In heaven and the sacrifice that my savior did for me on the cross, I have grown stronger.
I know without a doubt that we have a Father in Heaven that loves each and everyone of us, and that his son Jesus Christ made the ultimate sacrifice of being crucified for our sins upon that cross.
There was a particular time when I felt so alone, I had gone through a bitter divorce, then married again to a man that was addicted to drugs and alcohol. We had separated, He was trying to get his life together. He came one evening to pick up my two boys to go to a movie. I was pregnant with our daughter, and I was so depressed, after having two marriages fail. I felt that I was so alone. and that no one wanted me. I felt torn and abandoned.
I fell upon my knees and ask the Lord for comfort. I said in my prayer that I felt so unloved, and to please forgive me for any wrong I had done ,and that If I could just feel his love I could get through this.
As I was on my knees praying, all of a sudden I felt the most wonderful feeling. It was as if bright sunshine was going through my whole body. From the top of my head to the bottom of my toes. I felt his love. I will never forget it.
I decided that no matter what happens to me, as long as I know that the Lord loves me I can get through it. That was a big turning point for me.
Later, I went through the death of my dear husband. It was hard but through the help of my Father in Heaven, I got through it. Being lonely, I again rushed into a marriage, Thinking that at last I had the right person. ( But the signs were there not to marry him, but I did not listen.
It ended out that He was in love with someone else. But she was marriad and he thought that by marring me he could run away from it. We were married two weeks and he told me that he was sorry that he got married. I was devistated. He then told me about the other woman. He wanted to stay married, but come and go as he wanted. He said that the marriage contract was just a piece of paper. To me it was not just a piece of paper. Marriage was between me, my partner and God.
So after about a year of him coming and going I finally got the courage ot get out .
It was very hard for me to go back home after three failures. I was broken, but through the help of God, and my good friends at church. I did go home. This time I was determined to stay close to My Father in heaven and not get caught in the trap of loneliness. I found a good job, and tried to make my children feel secure.
It was then that the Lord opened up a way for me to find happiness. I was never going to marry again. But God had other plans. I went out a few times, but wrote myself a note as to what kind of a man I wanted to marry. If the person didn't fit that quality, I never went with him again.
To make a long story short. I met my sweetheart, fell in love and we have been married now for 38 years. We have 9 children between us. He had 3, I had 3, and then we had three of our own. He is a good man, and has the same beliefs as I do.
It wasn't always easy, but we made it. My love and respect has grown so much for him. And I am so thankful for all of our children. Grandchildren and Great grand children. My cup is full and overflowing.
So now you have heard my story. Never give up, and rely on the Lord in making decisions. He will never steer you wrong. If you are trying to do what is right you will be blessed.
Keep smiling, Charlene
Posted by charlene at 8:06 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 28, 2008
without my mom
mellisa you ask how you would get along without your mom. I have another true story for you.
My mother died about 8 years ago. She had been sick with headaches most of her life. My mother and I were close. I missed her so much. a few days after she passed away, I was having a very emotional day. I couldn't stop crying , I was missing her so much. I cried momma, momma, And all of a sudden. I heard in my mind, Stop your crying daughter, I am happier now than I have been in my whole life.
I felt a great peace and assurance that this was her message to me. I still feel her at times watching over me. I know that I will someday see she and daddy again as well as my sister and brother ,and many relatives that have passed on. I hope they will be happy to see me and not be ashamed.
Now every time I think of my mom I have a sweet feeling that all is well.
And I know that families can be forever. Not just in this life.
Keep smiling, Charlene
Posted by charlene at 6:12 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 25, 2008
shameful dog
My husband takes care of the city park here in bonanza. one evening I went down to help him put out some sprinkler heads. Our little dog loves to go there so we took her too.
Some people were sitting on a blanket having their dinner. My little dog went up to them. (I thought she was being friendly) But to my horror, she went right up to them, barked and then squatted down right in front of them. I was so embarrassed.
They were not amused. Then she came running to me. I didn't want to know her.
This is the same dog that got me in trouble with the policeman. (see Bang! bang!)
and you will know how much she likes to get me in hot water.
A while back my sons brought home a big turtle that they found on the highway.
They put her in our horse trough. They put a log in the trough for her to sit on when she is not swimming.
Today, Bryan cleaned out the trough, and found 13 eggs in the bottom. Now I don't know if the eggs should be in sand or can they survive in water?
Anybody know?
Have a great day. Keep smiling.
In case you have wondered why I always say keep smiling. That was the thing my dad would always tell me when we would say goodbye . Either in person, or over the telephone. And it has stuck with me. I miss my dad, He passed away about 3 years ago. And I feel like that little saying gives me a little part of him. I always think of him when I say it. If you knew my dad, he lived that motto. I never saw him angry. He was so kind and patient. When I went through some bad times He and mother opened up their hearts and home to me and my children. He was a great grandfather, along with my mother. They were always there for us. I shall be eternally greatful for them.
Posted by charlene at 3:57 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I saw that smile upon your face.
In my grumpiness I tried to erase.
I wanted you to feel like me.
There's nothing good in this world you see.
But you kept smiling that happy smile.
It made me comfortable after while.
It was warm and sunny, as it lit up the room.
That smile was contagious.
it chased away the gloom.
That smile ,I desperately wanted to erace.
came creeping right upon my face.
My mood was changed, I'm happy now.
all because of that great big smile.
I woke up this morning feeling grumpy and this popped into my head. so I had to get it down on paper. And I do feel better now. have a great day.
Posted by charlene at 9:36 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
can't sleep
It's midnight and I haven't been able to fall asleep. So I decided to check my blog and do a little catch up.
My husband and I had a wonderful 3 days spending some time with our church friends at a camp out at cottonwood lake. It was so beautiful there, quiet , peaceful and a lot of fun. Our Daughter, Julie, her husband and one granddaughter was there also. and it is the first time in my life when I didn't have to do any cooking. She did it all. She and her husband barbecued try tip with mushrooms and onions. It was wonderful. another night we had hobo dinners. Hamburger , potatoes, carrots, and onions cooked together in tinfoil. We had a wonderful spiritual fireside one evening, with our friends. And the rest of the time we played cards and other games. It was a very relaxing time renewing friendships.
Today being sunday we went to church, there was such a warm wonderful feeling there. God has been so good to us. I love my family, my church, and my God.
We are so fortunate to live in this wonderful country, even with the gas prices and everything else that is going on. At least our country is free. And we are not starving. And are able to worship as we please.
God has blessed this country, As long as we treat it with respect. It is when we get prideful, selfish and uncaring and materialistic, that we have to beware. We don't need everything that the Joneses have, to be happy. When we start to think of others instead of ourselves, thats where happiness starts. The more you give of love and service, the more comes back to you. As I sat in church with my family. I felt a happiness looking at my great Grand child, her mother, and her mother, and grandpa and I . Thats four generations. What would we do without our children. I just wanted to hold that baby and cradle her with love. Also sitting next to us was a grandchild that is now a woman. Not a child anymore, who will be leaving for a mission for our church in about a month. To go to Spain. It seemed such a short time ago when she was a baby. And now she has grown up with so much wisdom.
Families are the core of this nation. We need to do everything possible to build the relationships we have with them. I look back and see some of the mistakes we as parents made in relationships with our children. and I wish I could start over. But that is not possible. But I have learned many things over the years. And I know that we can take nothing with us when we die, except the relationships of love that can continue on after this life. And I am thankful for that. Families can be forever.
A little up date for anyone wondering about the man that got stabbed at the gas station. He is getting better. All of your faith and prayers helped. Thank you. He will be in the hospital for a while yet but is able to gt up and walk around now. What a miracle.
Have a good night. I'll see if I can go back to bed and get some sleep.
Posted by charlene at 12:11 AM 2 comments
Friday, July 11, 2008
you know your getting old when....
You know your getting old when cheerios are found in the wrinkles of your face.
You know you are old when your grandchild asks why you have three chins.
You know you are getting old when you have to ask your mate to cut your toe nails.
You know your getting old when your driving your car and you can't turn your head far enough to see if there is a tree behind you.
You know your getting old when someone tells you your bath water is ready.
You know your getting old when you depend on depends.
You know when your old ,when your head shakes and your not even answering a question.
You know your getting old when children say your house smells like old people.
You know your old when you have been sitting on the floor and can't get back up,
Or when you put moth balls in your dresser drawers.
You know you are really old when you decide to go sky diving ,and on the way out you cry, HELP I'M FALLING AND I CAN'T GET UP.
I know I'm getting old, and I love it.
Posted by charlene at 9:15 AM 1 comments
The song I wrote
My daddy took me on his knee
and brushed away the tears.
He said,"My sweet, don't feel so sad.
I'll try to calm your fears."
Tears are made from the raindrops
Tears are made from the Sea.
Smiles are made from the Sunshine.
Courage made from a tree.
God put them together and placed them in you, child.
With all Your sweetness, and beauty,
pureness, meek and mild.
Love was made from the roses,
He nurtured with a loving hand.
The breath of life from a windstorm.
Our bodies from the finest sand.
May we ever be grateful,
May we ever be glad.
Even through trials and heartaches.
Even when life makes us sad.
Tears are made from the raindrops.
Tears are made from the Sea.
Smiles are made from the sunshine.
courage made from a tree.
Posted by charlene at 1:23 AM 0 comments
To Know Me
To know me is to love me.
To know me is to search, ponder and pray.
To know me is to obey my Commandments.
To know me is to serve your fellowmen.
To know me is to repent from all wrong doing.
To know me is to trust me.
To know me is to teach by my example.
To know me is to pray for those Who despitefully
use you and persecute you:
And to do good to those who hate you.
To know me is to turn the other cheek and to forgive.
To know me is to feed my lambs.
To know me is to fill your hearts with love.
Don't just know about me.
Know me.
Posted by charlene at 1:08 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Dear Mellissa , I goofed I thought I had been reading your blog. But I guess not. But I have appreciated your comments. And Heidi informed me that she didn't meet you at the library. It was somewhere else.
I went to help my husband fix fences for his horses today. They have been put on a friends ranch. 40 miles away. It has been told that way back when, that this was an Indian trail. The last time we were up there my husband found an arrow head.
This time I thought I had really found something wonderful. I was sitting under a pine tree and kept finding little nuggets and kernels of gold color. Some were very shinny. Of course I thought I might have found some gold or other kind of Gem. My husband came over and deflated my bubble. He said it's tree sap. Looked like gold to me! I am so gullible. I didn't know that it hardend after falling off the tree.
I learned something new today.
have a great day everyone. Charlene
Posted by charlene at 6:38 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Some friends of ours,The Fleetwoods , Son,wife, their youngest son and older son and his wife and 2 little ones came to visit the Fleetwoods. The grandson and his wife (the Cooks) had their baby blessed in church 2 weeks ago. They live in California. 3 days after the blessing of the baby, they were visiting the family and the grandson and family said they had to go get some gas. They pulled into the station. three gang bangers came up and started to hassel the youngest son,(Teenager) The said they didn't like the way he was looking at them. So one of them slapped him. His older brother got out of the car and ask what was the matter? They then threw him on the ground and stabbed him twice.
By the time they got him to the hospital his heart stopped. But they brought him back to life,. He is in intensive care but is still fighting for his life. Who ever reads this please pray for the cook family, and the Fleetwoods, Their grandparents.
The police have caught two of the guys but not the ring leader. It is so sad to think that they were here to have a happy family reunion and then this happened.
It has been quit a week. My brother in law called and lost his sister to cancer. She was my age. We used to play together when we were young. Then his daughter in law, my nephews wife,s mother died 2 days ago. I wish that we could have gone to the funerals but with the way gas is it wasn't possible. they live 800 miles away.
Now I should say something uplifting. How about my Bra? I need alittle humor right now. That seemed to do it. Frantically simple called me this morning and said that by coincidence she was at the library and Mellisa came up and introduced herself to her. She and her husband are in the North West for a couple of weeks or so. Heidi was thrilled. I'm happy she met you mellisa. I enjoy your blog. And thank you for reading mine.
I had a wild ride from Klamath falls today. Anytime I ride with my husband it is a wild time. He is as bad of a driver as I am. He looks off the road at everything and when he does the truck goes on the shoulder of the road. He also likes to use the cruise control. Going 65 miles on straight roads or curvey mountian roads. He never steps on the brakes. We went of the road three times. And I am not ready to die yet.
I was squeezing my little dog so much that she snapped at me, then got under his feet at the wheel. It took some coaxing to get her back. But we made it home again. I think He and I have a guardian angel watching over us when we drive.
Hope your day was great. Mine will be when I eat my bowl of IceCream.
Keep smiling , Charlene
Posted by charlene at 7:53 PM 2 comments
Thursday, June 19, 2008
scared cat
When I was a teenager , I was full of it. I loved doing pranks or at least going along with them.
I had a seminary class at school. 1st period. Our poor teacher had the worst class of pranksters and rowdies. We were not in the right frame of mind. Three boys found a cat outside. They decided to put it in the piano. You know, the old kind of piano that had a wooden top. I knew what they had done, but I thought it would be fun to see what would happen. And of all things the teacher ask if I would lead the class in a hymn. I told a fib, (Sorry), and said," I can't sing today I have a cold." That doesn't matter, he said," just lead the music."
The piano player didn't know what the boys had done. She started to play and all of a sudden you could hear hear an excruciating sound. It sounded like a ruckus on the keys and a terrible screaching sound. errr,errrek, youw.
The piono player stopped and almost fell off her chair, The teacher, looking up said, "what is the matter," and the girl said," I don't know but this piano is making a terrible noise." He then said, "Oh it's probably coming from outside. Go ahead and play. Hesitantly, she started playing again. And again ekkk youw screech, It was terrible.
The teacher came flying over to the piano and lifted the lid. The Cat who was going crazy jumped out on him, He screamed, I thought he would have a heart attack. His face was beet red, and the blood vessels on his neck looked like they were exploding. He roared "WHO DID THIS?" We were all trying not to laugh, but we were dieing inside, trying to keep a straight face. He turned to me and ask,"Do you know who did this?" Being my little bratty self, I said" no I don't know, but If I ever found out I would really give it to them. Poor Mr. Reeder. It's to late to apologize to him now after all of these years. He's gone to the happy hunting ground. I wonder if he likes cats up there?
I am truly ashamed of my part in it. So if your listening up there Mr. Reeder please forgive me.
I have repented of my childish days. But I do still get a chuckle when I picture that cat jumping on his chest.
I hope my grand kids will never do something like that. So if your reading this do as I say not do as I did. Love you all. Keep smiling Charlene
Posted by charlene at 10:58 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I was looking at some of the writing I have done over the years, and decided to share one of my experiences.
I had the opportunity of singing in a choir at a cemetery for memorial day many years ago. This is what I experienced.....
May is a time for enjoying the beautiful flowers of springtime. It is also a time to remember our loved ones who have died for our country.
The morning is chilly, but crisp and beautiful, filled with a special feeling of quiet reverence. Time seems to stop as each of us are locked into our own private thoughts. An overwhelming feeling of pride fills my heart, as guns boom in succession. Each saluting our brave warriors for the battles they have fought in defense of our country.
Like lions roaring through a jungle after their prey, Jets in twin formation streak across the blue horizon. The rush of adrenalin and admiration sinks deep into my heart, reaching out to these giant men and women.
Old glory raises from half mask, rippling in the wind as it makes it's way to the top. Then slowly as in the memory of the dieing. It pauses.. turning back down to half-mask where it silently rests.
Our hearts swell with pride, mixed with grief as we enshrine the memories of all of our patriotic men and women. We rededicate our convictions to defend our freedom from Tyranny and dictators. We promise to protect the constitution and all other God given rights.
Our choir explodes with emotion and tenderness as we blend our voice in God Bless America. Salty wet tears well up in our eyes, ready to spill over.
Now it is quiet, almost ire. Each of us are in our own private battlefield, alone with many memories... Thinking of yesterday when our loved ones, barely old enough to play hide and seek, run through the grass, barefoot. Or my little boy sitting on my lap, running his fingers through my hair, declaring, "Mommy, I'll make you proud of me just wait and see!
Cherishing that moment, we dream of envisioning our children becoming boy scouts or girl scouts. Drifting on to the thoughts of high school, seeking their independence, leaving the nest for college.... THEN WAR! And before we get to that terrible scene, we are brought back to the real world with the sound of wailing bugles.
Four golden instruments, glistening in the early morning sun rise. Each wailing it's lonely cry as the taps get fainter with each note. In one corner the bugle cries, then echoed by it's counterpart, hundreds of yards away. The tears spill over like a gushing waterfall as I think of the many loved ones who have shed their blood for our country. As the last tap cries out, we bow our heads in deep reverence, thanking God for the many blessing we have, for these brave men and women, and for our wonderful country... Dear soldiers your scrifices will not be in vain!
Posted by charlene at 9:03 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
Baby talk
I had this all typed out and then I somehow it got erased. Just my luck. I will try again.
This week we received a wonderful gift. We are great grandparents again. A beautiful baby girl. 6 pounds, with a beautiful head of hair.
As I looked at her I could imagine Her saying her goodbyes to her Father in Heaven. Her conversation would have been something like this. "Thank you Father for all you have taught me, I am going to really miss you, but I am so thankful that you let me have the parents that I wanted. I know that they will be good to me and will try to teach me right from wrong. I know that they will love me and when they hear me cry they will know that I need them too. It will seem funny to see all of those people around me all wanting to get my attention. Grandmas, Grandpas, aunts and uncles.
If I wiggle one little finger or toe or give them the tiniest smile they will all say," oou and ahh, and will want to slobber on me. But that's ok. Ill get even with them when they try to burp me.
I'm sorry Heavenly father, I will try to remember the things you have taught me. I will just love them all. Are you ready for me to go? Can I hug you just once more?
Goodbye dear Father I will see you again when my journey is over. I'll try to make you proud.
I'm crying. pick me up, and love me, just as my Father in Heaven has loved me. Weee! I'm so excited!
Hello Mother and father!
and smile back at me.
Posted by charlene at 11:02 PM 2 comments
Sunday, June 8, 2008
It is one of those days when I don't know just what I want to talk about, but if I start writing maybe it will come to me. I'm feeling pretty serious today. Some pretty heavy things have been happening this week. In my calling in church, I have the responsibility seeing to the needs of the women of our little branch. There has been a lot of sickness. And some serious things to tend to. Tomorrow, four of us are going to clean a dear sisters house. Her husband is away right now and she is very Ill. So we want to see if we can help her to lift some of her burden.
I know that is what God would want us to do. There are so many people in the world that need a helping hand, a shoulder to cry on, or a voice to be heard.
I have had the opportunity of sitting with people in the hospital to help them to be more calm, or less frightened and confused. I have prayed with then, I have laughed with them, and I have sung to them. If they wanted to play cards, we would do that.
Many have said I'm not crazy am I? And I assure them that their not. One dear elderly lady had been being abused at home, and was dieing. As I listened to her talk about her children, my heart sank for her. When I would comfort her she would smile. The nurse called her family to tell them she was slipping away. But no one cared. No one came. So I just held her hand and told her that her father in Heaven loved her and was waiting for her. She died peacefully.
I feel it is an honor to be of service. When I think of how much My savior has done for me. I want to lighten someone elses burden.
I want to thank all of you for your blogs. It is nice to hear what comes from the heart.
I have some new news. We have another darling colt. Hes a stallion. That makes eight now. And were loving it. Except for the hay bill.
I gave a talk in church this morning and it really hit home with me. All of our experiences are stepping stones to help us grow. Think back when you have been faced with a trial or even a special moment. Haven't you learned something from it. Maybe you learned more patience, or maybe how to forgive, Or to appreciate what God has given you. I am thankful for all of the trials I have had in my life. They have helped me to be a more compassionate person. It has helped me to understand It's not what a person looks like or how much money he or she has. Even a drunk or a homeless person has a heart. and sometimes a heart of pain, who just needs to be listened to.
Thank you for listening to my rambling tonight. It is just that my heart is so full.
My cup runneth over.
Stay blessed. Charlene
Posted by charlene at 8:58 PM 2 comments
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Hi, today, I heard a Chicken story about someone who is just as naive as I am.
A friend of mine told me about a man who was dating a new girl in town. She had never been in a farming community. She came from a big city.
He brought her a chicken and ask her if she would clean it. she said," sure I'd be glad to."
He left then came back later, to his amazement she was bathing the chicken in the bathtub. soap and all.
I had a chuckle over that.
Speaking of animals, I remembered a bull story. When I was young, one of the jobs I had on the farm was to bring the cows in from the pasture to be milked. I felt pretty proud of myself ,because I had a way of getting them to come without going clear down to the bottom of the pasture. I would bellow like a bull, with my MOO ! sounds and they would come. It worked great, until Dad bought a new bull.
As I approached the pasture I did my usual call, the cows were coming and so was the bull. His head was down,shaking from side to side , his feet were pawing the ground, and he was snorting.
He was answering my call. I think he thought I was competition. I scrambled out of the fence just in time. Had I have not made it I probably would have looked like a squashed pumpkin.
I went home crying to my dad, but he didn't believe me. I think he thought that I just wanted to get out of some work.
Every day I went through the same thing. I didn't bellow anymore, But that bull still didn't like me. The only way I could get those cows to come would be to stay out of the fence, and carry a big stick, All the while the bull would be doing his little ritual.
Several weeks later, one day dad was talking to his neighbor while feeding the cows in the corral . All of a sudden the neighbor hollered ! "Look out Elmer," dad turned, and the bull was coming right for him. He beat him off with the pitchfork. That very day he took the bull to the auction. I think he finally believed me.
Since that time of long ago, we have moved here to our new home, we took some friends out for a drive deep in the woods, one day. All of a sudden we came upon a few cows and a bull. I told them my bull story. And said, to my friend, lets try it and see if I still have the touch. So I showed her how to bellow. Low and behold the bull put his head down , pawed at the ground and started after the car. I guess I hadn't lost my touch.
So if you want a deer, a moose or a bull to come, make sure your not in competition
with its mate.
Have a good evening .... Charlene
Posted by charlene at 7:58 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 29, 2008
The chicken story
All of you chicken lovers, please don't hate me when I tell you this story.
We used to raise our own chickens. We would get 100 baby chicks, raise them. And eventually they would become our food chain. I always felt like a murderer when having to cut their heads off. I knew that there must be a more humane way of getting them to my table. One day while agonizing what I could do to make it less painful for the chicken, I came up with a perfect solution. I would drown the chicken in hot water, then it would be fast and painless. Right? My mind does not always think in rational terms. The heart dictates the mind.
I boiled some water, hurried and put the chicken,s head down in. But to my horror, she flapped her wings, struggled and flew out of my hands. I was doing this on my front lawn. I looked at the poor chicken, her head and neck were three times the size they should have been and redder than a beet.
I realized how foolish I had been. I was in tears as I chased that poor chicken all around the yard. Finally I caught it, knowing I had to put her out of her misery.
That was the worst thing I had ever done ,and I felt horrible. just as I picked up the chicken, the chicken man drove up. He was my Bishop in our church. And we had bought the chickens from him. I shoved that chicken under some newspapers as fast as I could. I couldn't let the Bishop know what I had done. I don't know if he saw the poor chicken, but as soon as he ,left the chicken got a respectful funeral.
My children have never let me forget the chicken story. Even though I have tried to.
I apologized to the chicken family, to my children,and to God ,but not the chicken man, our Bishop. So I'm confessing now ,please forgive me for my cruelty to that poor chicken. When I meet my maker I'm sure that chicken will be right by his side, saying see! thats the person that did that to me. My fate will probably be tending the chickens for time and all Eternity.
I can't eat chicken to this day without feeling guilty. I have repented. We don't even raise chickens anymore. I get them from the grocery store. Already to cook.
Please don't report me to the Humane Society. That was 28 years ago. And I am a
kind, compassionate person.
Keep smiling, Charlene.
P.s Please don't think I am a complete basket case. I do take Prozac, but I am harmless.
Posted by charlene at 3:51 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
my question answered
The happiest days of my life have been many. Marrying my husband has to be among the top. We have been married now for 39 years. It was not always smooth. With his, mine and ours, it was a struggle at times. We both brought baggage from past experiences, but I knew that he was a good man, and that he would always be faithful.
He has never let me down. He has been a good provider, worked hard and has put up with all of the crazy things that I do and say. I truly do love him.
Also among the top are our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Oh how we love them.
One of the saddest days of my life was around 43 years ago. The day I got a telephone call from a funeral home. The words were like daggers to my heart. "could you please come down and identify the body of your husband. He was found dead this morning!
He also was the love of my life. But because of alcohol and drug addiction, he was gone. We were separated at the time, with divorce papers in the works. We had a beautiful daughter of about 4 mo. old. I had 2 other sweet boys from another marriage that had failed. I didn't know how I was ever going to pick up the pieces of my broken heart. I knew when I married Dale, that he had had problems with alcoholand drugs, (because he told me.) He said he couldn't promise but had to take one day at a time.
For the first 6 months Our marriage was wonderful. He was so kind and loving to my boys. Then our world fell apart. Being a truck driver, he went out on a run. I expected him home around noon so I invited his parents to come to lunch.
We waited and waited, but he did not come. Finally the phone rang and he ask to speak to his Dad. His Dad said "Oh no! Please come home son.
That was the starting of a road of misery and heartache. He started drinking again.
From the time he was a small boy he started getting hystimine headaches. His parents had taken him even to Mayo Brothers clinic to see what they could do to help him. Nothing helped. So he started getting pain pills and shots from the doctors.
And then he discovered drinking. It helped to numb the pain. So between the drinking and drugs he became addicted.
When he couldn't get the pain pills, he would drink, He could go sober for awhile and then go on binges.
a few months before he died, he came to me and said that I just as well get the divorce started because he just couldn't change. He said if a Dr. told him that he would die if he took another drink, he would still have to do it because the compulsion was that strong. Heartbroken I started proceedings. One month before it would be final, I got the terrifying call.
His parents were in Hawaii at the time. As I stood in front of him, the tears streamed down my face as I realized for the first time in months, he looked at peace. My Dale was gone. When I found his car there was a note inside for me. he said how much he loved me and that he was sorry that he couldn't make it. He told me what to do with the income taxes and other things. There were pills all over the floor in the back seat. The Death certificate said exasperated vomit. His brother and I knew different.
For 10 years I lived with quilt and anguish. What I could have done to make things different?
Some years later as I was having one of those days of feeling sorry for myself. I knelt down and prayed for help and peace. That night I had a dream. dale appeared to me and said, Charlene can you ever forgive me for what I did to you? He looked so sad.
I said, "oh yes, Dale you were forgiven a long time ago. He looked relieved and then said." It wasn't all in vein was it?" We have a beautiful daughter. Please tell her I love her.
When my daughter graduated from nursing school, at the graduation. I felt as if he was sitting right next to me and I felt his happiness, for his daughter.
So you see I have had joy and despair. My life is one of happiness now and I am at peace.
Posted by charlene at 9:01 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
a question?
What was a happy moment in your life? And what was a tragic moment in your life?
Even through the bad times, I can look back now and learn something from it. If your having a bad day, remember there is a new day on the horizon.
Posted by charlene at 10:06 PM 0 comments
Hi, queen bee wanted another story so thinking back, here it is.
Some 45 years ago, in my youth, a friend and I was invited to go out with two good looking guys, that a mutual friend set us up with. They were going water skiing.
We were to be ready at 2:00, I had to get a swim suit.because I didn't have one. I only went swimming once in a great while, and my suit was out of date. I was in a hurry to buy the suit and get back home before 2:00. I found a darling one piece. Being flat busted, it was perfect because it had built in inserts.
I thought my date was gorgeous. We were having a wonderful time riding in the boat and watching the boys water ski. Then, they said "it's your turn."
We both got into the water and onto the skies. I came up out of the water and so did two the inserts. They were not tacked in. They were floating right by my face. I could have died, The boys were laughing so hard. And trying to help me in the boat. I kept resisting, crying just let me drown. But of course they didn't. I wasn't red just because of a sunburn.
As you can guess the rest of the evening was horrible. I just wanted to go home and eat ice cream. I never saw that young man ever again. But I still have nightmares about it. So my advice to any of you who need a new suit, if it needs extra support, be sure to sew it in yourself. or else just go flat.
I look back on the things I have done and I can't believe I could be so stupid.
Like the time I was sitting with an elderly man who was critically ill. I talked to him all morning, trying to let him know that he wasn't alone. I was patting his hand and tried to be reasuring. When the nurse came in I was talking to him and still holding his hand. She said," this man is dead!" "oh, I said, I wondered why he was getting so cold. I put extra covers on him." It took me a long time to life that one down.l
But I did learn.
Keep smiling, Charlene
Posted by charlene at 8:28 PM 2 comments
Saturday, May 24, 2008
new life
Good morning, we have a new addition to our zoo. A beautiful new colt. He is part quarter horse, and part apaloosa, dark brown with a blanket of white spots on his rump. He's darling. One more to go. They were bread at the same time. He was born sometime during the night. Momma and baby are doing fine.
keep smiling, Charlene
Posted by charlene at 8:47 AM 1 comments
Friday, May 23, 2008
you missed the first part of my post that I was writting. so I'll try again. I worked at the local hospital for the past three years, until Jan. I was a safety attendant. My duties were to keep the patients that were confused, disoriented, coming off alcohol withdrawls, and, overdosed suicide attempts, calm . One day I was sitting with a wild man coming off withdrawls, He was kicking, screaming, and cursing. He had to be put in 4 point restraints.
I tried to be as soothing and reasuring as I could to him. And It worked. Except he was getting the wrong Idea. He kept looking at me and smacking his lips. Like he was wanting to kiss me. All of a sudden, he took a good look and said "Oh your an old hooker! I calmly said, I guess I am. We all had a good laugh over that.
have a great day.
Posted by charlene at 4:39 PM 0 comments
another time I was singing to a gentleman with alzhiemer's. I didn't know that his wife who had died, use to sing to him all the time. All of a sudden he grabbed my scrub top and said lets go to bed Mabel. I cried Oh! no I'm not your wife. I have a husband. I had to pry his hand off my shirt. I quit singing to him. My how I get into some messes.
Keep Smiling, charlene
Posted by charlene at 4:12 PM 0 comments
Hi, everyone I have been trying to figue out how to respond to your blogs. But havn't got it right yet. I told you I have trouble with anything technical. I guess I will have to call frantically simple to help me out. What would I do without my children? My husband (bless his heart) can't help me , the only thing he can do on a computer is play solitaire . But ask him to fix something , build something, or any handy work, He is a genious. One time he fixed my dishwasher with a milker part. (Used to be a dairy serviceman) and a good one. Only problem with the dish washer now, it pulsates.
Just a little humor. He really did get it to work with the milker part.
My life has had it's ups and downs but through faith , humor And the Grace of God, I have prevailed.
My life of 69 years is sweet now. Never give up hope. Someday I may share with you some of the pain I went through, and how I got through it. But not on my blog.
As I get to know you, I will share. If it will help any of you get through the trials you may be going through, know that life is worth living, and time heals many wounds.
Thank you Jennifer, Heather and , everyone else who have commented on my blog.
My prayers are with you too, My new blog family.
I have one more goofy story to tell you. Frantically simple was invited to a birthday party. We were struggling just to make ends meet. I found some wrapping paper. but no tape or even glue. I had some chewing gum. So being desperate, I used it.
The mother of the girl was not amused. Im sure it was a sticky mess. My daughter was totally humiliated.
Sorry, daughter dear. I should have been on Prozac. It does wonders.
When I was going through so much turmoil, my children suffered. I wish I knew then what I know now. But we got through it . And I think it has made us stronger.
I love my family so much.
keep smiling. charlene
Posted by charlene at 9:59 AM 1 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
getting old
Good Morning from grandma's zoo. I like to write poetry so today I will share one on getting old.
(To the tune of my bonny lies over the ocean)
Getting Old
My belly hangs over my belt waist
My fanny droops down to the floor
My chin hangs in so many layers.
My bra size is 144.
I'm gorgeous, so gorgeous,
so gorgeous, as can be, can be.
so eatup, yes eat up
Someday you'll loke me.
My face has so many wrinkles,
so many that I can't keep score.
If you study them like a road map
you'd end up in Singapore.
I'm gorgous, so gorgous,
so gorgous as can be , can be.
Get ready, get ready, someday
you'll look like me.
My feet slowed down to a shuffle.
I walk with a walker or cane.
My glasses are triple bi-focal
And I think everyone is insane.
Enjoy it, enjoy it getting old can be so fun, fun, fun.
you'll getg many discounts
plus meals on wheels, on their run.
My false teeth flew down in the furnace.
My wig flew out my car door.
My peg leg is lying in pieces.
I shut it in Grandpa's car door.
Enjoy it, enjoy it Getting old is fun, fun, fun.
Enjoy it, enjoy it. There's not a lot left when your done.
I was crushed, I guess I'm not as young as I used to be. to make matters worse, yesterday a little girl in the grocery store looked at me and said ,"Are you pregnant?
Too much Ice cream I guess! after that I zipped up my jacket. the little girls mother turned to her and said. Of course she isn't pregnant! she's a grandmother. I guess I
need a facelift and a body implant. Think that would help? OR BETTER YET LAY OFF THE ICE CREAM!
Posted by charlene at 11:10 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
bang!. bang!
Sometimes things just don't turn out th way you expect them to. I have a darling , tiny Ch-Poodle dog. My number 7th son taught (Baby) a new trick. If you point your finger at her and say Bang! bang!, she stops dead in her tracks, flops over onto her back with her feet straight in the air, and plays dead. She loves the attention we give her when she does that.
One day I took baby & Gonzo (our big dog ) to klamath falls to do some shopping. Gonzo was so well behaved and I thought baby would be too.
My seat belt was broken but I took the car anyway. The lap belt worked but I forgot to put it on. It happened to be a day when the police were watching for people not wearing seat belts. In my rear view mirror I saw him closely following me. Then it happened, the red light came on and his siren. I had been caught! I pulled over in a dither. I Jumped out of the car so that he couldn't see that I didn't even have the lap belt on. And when I opened the door, Baby jumped out. The policeman was very angry that I had even got out, let alone a dog running around in circles on the busy street. He chased her, and I chased her round and round. She was having a great time. Finally he grabbed her, tossed her in the back seat, and told me to get in the front and don't move. He went to his car and then came back and said, "Now let me see your registration and driver's license. So what did I do like a dummy. I opened the door and the dog got out again. The policeman was red in the face and saying some choice words as we ran round and round trying to catch Baby.
Then I remembered what always worked. I pointed my finger at her and said Bang! bang! but she didn't stop. I was behind the cop, yelling it again. He stopped, whirled around and said," what are you doing?" I said ,"I'm trying to stop my dog.!" He looked at me like I was crazy. I kept saying Bang, Bang. But to no avail. Finally the policeman caught the dog and threw her in the back seat. Then he turned to me and said. "I just want you to know that you have been on a video camera this whole time and you will probably be on TV.
He said where were you going? I was right at the place where my son worked as a mechanic. I knew I would have to repent big time for saying this. " I'm just coming to the shop," I said. " Oh," said he." are you getting your seat belt fixed.?" With my red face and fingers crossed I said, yes. " Ok!, he replied, then I'll follow you in just to make sure." I ran in ahead of him. My son in law was at the counter. I said ,Dane your fixing my car today aren't you? Looking very puzzled, (until he saw the cop,) shook his head, and said," yes just park it over there, your next in line.
I'm so sorry that I had to drag him into it to, but what is a girl to do? Anyway, I got my seat belt fixed that he said he was going to do many months before this event.
SHAME ON ME FOR LYING. I have repented.
Posted by charlene at 8:21 AM 5 comments
Good morning, I woke up this morning filled with gratitude as I listened to the melodic sound of birds singing. It made me very thankful for my little world of sanctuary. A new day has come as other sounds begin to invade my private thoughts. Gratitude turns to joy, as I hear the crowing of a rooster, Peacocks in their piercing calls to one another, dogs barking, and the sound of horses kicking up the dust as they frolic playfully in the pasture.
In the evening, I watch the beautiful sunset as it settles among the giant pines. Then darkness covers the sky, blanketed with brilliant tiny stars from the Heavens. All is quiet again except for the sound of crickets or the howling of coyotes in the distance.
I do not miss the busy life in the city. Speeding cars roaring up and down the street at all times of the night. Loud laughter and music from the neighbors. Cursing that can deafen the ears of little ones.
Yes, I love my world of peace and serenity. Thank you Heavenly Father for the beauty of your creations, and the thankfulness I feel as I witness your loving handiwork.
My thought and prayer for today.
Love you all, Charlene
Posted by charlene at 6:33 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Hi, everyone. I'm in a reflective mood today, so I decided to give you a tear jerker.
As I said yesterday, I have spent some time in the health care profession. As an activity director, I saw a lot of sadness and in the eyes and hearts of the elderly. I have so much respect for them. One of my duties as a director was to have classes with the Alzheimers patients . My classes would consist of using the five senses to invoke a memory. One day it might be hearing, I would sing to them well known songs or hymns. And sometimes they would join me when they rarely even talked. Or I might have them smell different scents, like apple or bannana, and then talk about them remembering when they used to make apple pies, etc. Anything that would spark a memory. On touch, I would sometimes give them mannicures and watch their faces glow with happiness. Sometimes it was hard to tell in the later stages ,what they were thinking or feeling, their faces would would be blank. But even then you could sometimes see something in their eyes that would tell you that they were there.
There was one sweet lady that I had been working with for over three years, who had never spoken. never smiled, never cried. But her eyes would brighten up at times.
One day I tried everything to get a response of some kind from her , but nothing, just a blank stare. Finally I put everything down, cupped her face into my hands and gently said. Mary(not her real name for privacy reasons) Mary, I know that you feel like your body is in a prison because you can't walk and talk and do all of the things that you used to do. But I want you to know that someday when you go back to your maker, you will be able to do all of those things. And I just want you to know how much I love you. " ... She raised her head looked at me and said. And I love you too.
I was so speechless that I put my arms around her and wept.
She spoke to me one more time before she died. One day I was combing her hair and she said "DONT TOUCH MY HAIR!" I found out later that her husband said that she never liked anyone to touch her hair.
You never know what might open up that little window of forgetfulness. It makes me very sad when I see people treat them like they don't have a brain. We don't know what they are really thinking. And even if you never see any outword appearance. There is a soul and a spirit inside that is crying for love and attention. So if you know anyone with dementia or alzheimer's give them that support. Even when they lash out at you. They can't help it.
See I do have a serious side after all. I am not all silliness.
Love you all, have a nice day, and thank you for your comments. Charlene
Posted by charlene at 6:41 PM 2 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
goofy lady
Good morning, this is going to be a new experience for me working on the computer.
I seem to always find a way of messing things up. In a life skills class some years back we took a test to see where our strengths and weaknesses were. social was way up there, but technical was almost off the chart (the other way)
I was an activity director in a two different nursing homes for 7 yrs. And they got to the point to tell me not to even turn on the tv because I would find a way to mess it up.
But they still loved me anyway. My brain goes into gear after I have already done something.
Like this morning, I jumped out of bed and quickly slipped on my slacks and shirt to go read scriptures with my husband before he went to work.
Later my son, who is living with us because of an illness, ask me my favorite question. Do you want to play cards? (I love to play gin rummy) As he was beating me ,I happened to look down and realized my pants were wrong side out. I must not be a very observant person. It reminds me of a time when I was to sing at a funeral.
I had to go to work first, then hurry home toget ready for the funeral. I hurried so fast. Got there, sang my song and sat down. as I sat in the pew. I felt a little bumpy.
In my hurry to get dressed I had put on a bra fastened it in the front, then forgot and put another bra on turned it around and so I had one on in front and one on in back and it was padded. A couple of the workers were with me and when we got back to the nursing home,everyone knew. I felt so foolish. We all had a good laugh. That is why I say I put my brain in gear after the fact. I'm not always that dense. just once in a while.
I guess that is why I loved working in the nursing home so much. Because I could see the humor through the most trying times. Like the time I gave a dear sweet lady a stuffed animal. An angora kitten. She had a cat before she came to us. With the terrible illness of alzheimers, she thought her cat was real. One day as I came into the dinning room, I saw her trying to feed her cat chocolate pudding. she was upset because it wouldn't open it's mouth. I told her that I would take her cat and clean it up for her and not to worry. The cat just wasn't hungry right now.
Or the time that one dear lady was shaking the dinning room table I ask her what she was doing. She said ,"I can't get it in first gear". I put my arm around her and told her to bring her wheelchair over by me and I would call a mechanic to come and fix it for her. She was fine with that.
I have many stories to tell you but they will be saved for another time.
Have a great day.
Posted by charlene at 12:13 PM 5 comments
Saturday, May 17, 2008
precious Jewels
I have had a wonderful day with my hubby, four of my children, a son-in-law, and three grand children. We sat around a campfire telling funny stories on one another. Eating until we overlapped in our chairs.. It was a wonderful time together. All of the money or riches cannot compare to having loved ones around. How blessed we are.
If I could paint a picture of my feelings on this night, it would be filled with splashes of brilliant yellows of sunlight, and tranquil colors of blue. I feel a great peace when I look at what a precious gift God has given me. Each child is a gem. They are all cut different from different stones, each one precious. And each one as time goes on produce many more wonderful settings, Diamonds, pearls, and Rubies. I love the sweet innocence of a grandchild as she says over and over I love you Grandma. Oh how I love my precious jewels.
Posted by charlene at 9:32 PM 1 comments
Welcome to my zoo
My daughter at http://franticallysimple.com wrote a series about how funny I am. Apparently, it was quite popular.
I thought you'd like to get it straight from the horse's mouth. My life at times is like a zoo. You never know what is in store in the next cage or around the corner. But I promise you it will be amusing, sometimes nostalgic, sometimes serious, and some words of wisdom, or not. I have a way of turning things upside down or inside out any way but the usual way. And I can find the humor in it. It will be fun getting to know all of you. Have a beautiful day. Stop and smell the roses, but not all of them please save some for me.
Posted by charlene at 6:17 PM 2 comments