Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hi, everyone. I'm in a reflective mood today, so I decided to give you a tear jerker.
As I said yesterday, I have spent some time in the health care profession. As an activity director, I saw a lot of sadness and in the eyes and hearts of the elderly. I have so much respect for them. One of my duties as a director was to have classes with the Alzheimers patients . My classes would consist of using the five senses to invoke a memory. One day it might be hearing, I would sing to them well known songs or hymns. And sometimes they would join me when they rarely even talked. Or I might have them smell different scents, like apple or bannana, and then talk about them remembering when they used to make apple pies, etc. Anything that would spark a memory. On touch, I would sometimes give them mannicures and watch their faces glow with happiness. Sometimes it was hard to tell in the later stages ,what they were thinking or feeling, their faces would would be blank. But even then you could sometimes see something in their eyes that would tell you that they were there.

There was one sweet lady that I had been working with for over three years, who had never spoken. never smiled, never cried. But her eyes would brighten up at times.
One day I tried everything to get a response of some kind from her , but nothing, just a blank stare. Finally I put everything down, cupped her face into my hands and gently said. Mary(not her real name for privacy reasons) Mary, I know that you feel like your body is in a prison because you can't walk and talk and do all of the things that you used to do. But I want you to know that someday when you go back to your maker, you will be able to do all of those things. And I just want you to know how much I love you. " ... She raised her head looked at me and said. And I love you too.
I was so speechless that I put my arms around her and wept.
She spoke to me one more time before she died. One day I was combing her hair and she said "DONT TOUCH MY HAIR!" I found out later that her husband said that she never liked anyone to touch her hair.
You never know what might open up that little window of forgetfulness. It makes me very sad when I see people treat them like they don't have a brain. We don't know what they are really thinking. And even if you never see any outword appearance. There is a soul and a spirit inside that is crying for love and attention. So if you know anyone with dementia or alzheimer's give them that support. Even when they lash out at you. They can't help it.

See I do have a serious side after all. I am not all silliness.
Love you all, have a nice day, and thank you for your comments. Charlene


j said...

Just precious. I'm glad that you were willing to SEE her.

Be blessed,


Anonymous said...

You are such a loving and
caring you, Kathy